Thursday, March 3, 2011


31 weeks

I know it's been a while since my last and only blog. Well I am now 8 months pregnant and can't get comfortable to sleep so I decided I will blog. I have had a really smooth pregnancy so I guess I can't complain to much but there are a few thing I would like to blog about. First is I think I now have a bladder the size of a pea and I'm not joking. Also now that my belly is getting bigger I find it hard to sleep and also I have backaches a lot. I keep telling myself everything it going great and I'm almost to the end and then I get this awesome gift that I have been waiting for. So on another note, feeling the baby move is I think one of the craziest things I have ever experienced. Just to know that there is a little human in your belly and you can feel it move is so crazy but yet so cool at the same time. I am almost 32 weeks pregnant and I am the only one so far to feel him or her move. Jonathan has yet to feel it. Every time he puts his hand on my belly the baby stops. I just hope he can at least feel it one time before the baby comes. And last I know this is something that some people will not want to hear but when I got pregnant i never had any morning sickness but some how I did loose weight. I found out the other day what my starting weight was and what I am now. I am still 3 pounds lighter now then what I started out to be. I lost enough weight at the beginning that I really have not gained any weight from being pregnant, I am just gaining some back from what I lost. Which is totally crazy. And just so everyone knows the doctor is not concerned because the baby measuring right where he or she should be. I am just totally confused because I have never had a problem putting weight on. So that is the end of my blog for this time, more to come.

1 comment:

  1. Well aren't you the lucky one you won't have to worry about loosing that 30lbs of prgnancy weight. Keep up the good work--drink water not soda!! had to get that in
